No matter what type of care and support your furry friend needs, rest assured that The Cool Bunny Sitters Auckland can provide what they need and more with experience, passion and fun. Keep browsing through our site to learn more!
About The Cool Bunny Sitters Auckland
Passionate About Your Furry Friends
The Cool Bunny Sitters Auckland is an initiative to all bunny owners in New Zealand. More than 15 years ago I had have felt in love with bunnies. I remember my first bunny (Pikachu), when I was just 14 years old and my love for this furry friends started. Currently, my husband shares the same love for them (we are indeed animal lovers). Right now Lucy (CFO), Rafael (CEO), Martin (Marketing Manager) and Carlitos (Blogger) are our lovely bunnies who help us every day in the growth of our brand new bunny sitting place “The Cool Bunny Sitters Auckland”. This Bunny sitting place has been created from the need to support all bunny owners in our country, we as bunny owners know how difficult is to trust someone to take care after our precious friends when you are on holidays or simply away from home.
We understand the bunny language very well and as you may know, they are all different and takes a lot of experience to identify what a bunny wants or feels; for example, it is difficult to determine when they are sick (as our lovely friends can hide symptoms very well).
At The Cool Bunny Sitters Auckland, we make sure the bunnies are very spoiled and have the best time while waiting for you, we (Monica & Juan) are very responsible and professional couple that goes beyond and make sure all our hosted bunnies are treated to the best!!!
We are welcoming you to this exciting place where your bunny will be very happy taking a holiday at the same time you do!!!!

Want to know more about our services? Contact us for more details.